Thursday, May 3, 2012

May Already

Vibrant green everywhere. Rain, sun, fog, cool one day, hot the next. Peepers loud at night, chickadees, robins, chipmunks and squirrels chirping and chatting all day. And the wrens are back!! Nesting in their Swiss cottage by the Magnolia tree and singing every morning.

The bees were taken from the orchard last night (the bee man came and took them while they were sleeping). So early, some years we haven't called them in yet by May 3rd.

The pears are starting to grow... this might be around 1 week from pollination of these babies!

Can you see them, this is just one branch, and one then one bud, must be kazillions of billions in the orchard that the bees and insects had to visit in between the cold and wet weather these past two weeks..

Pears are so advanced over apples. Here's the blooms on the solitary apple in the yard.

Today there are millions of these butterflies, lovin the dandelions especially! 

Ahhh and the fruit of the dandelion, what a healthy crop in the lawn!